
Bainbridge Court service user is Oxfam superstar

Ryan is a resident at our Bainbridge Court service in Storrington. He was placed under our care and support in August 2011 because of his profound learning disability and anxiety disorder.

When he first arrived at our service, Ryan had a clinically high BMI and was a very shy individual with low self-esteem.


By |August 25th, 2016|Service users|0 Comments

Caring for someone with autism

Our work revolves around caring for and supporting adults with learning disabilities, complex needs and associated challenging behaviour. Autism is one such condition that some of our service users have.

As autism is a spectrum disorder, the amount it affects someone varies, which often means individuals can remain at home and live their lives supported by relatives rather than coming under specialist care and support services such as ours. In the case of moderate to severe autism, however, it’s generally harder for parents and carers – and this is where services such as ours can be necessary.


By |August 18th, 2016|education|0 Comments

Bainbridge Court have been out and about!

Residents and staff from our Bainbridge Court service have been enjoying a packed two weeks, making the most of the warmer months and getting out and active at local community facilities.

Firstly, two of the residents went on a trip to Guildford Leisure Centre on Tuesday of this week.

Patrick and Matthew enjoyed bouncing on the centre’s indoor […]

By |August 3rd, 2016|Home updates|0 Comments